Repeating the test once more shows the same:Īpr 23 09:22:35 - last message repeated 1 time -Īpr 23 09:22:35 USB Prober: USB Prober: USBDeviceOpen() failed 0xe00002c5Īpr 23 09:23:05 - last message repeated 3 times -Īpr 23 09:23:07 screenflowrecorder: Camera resize: 800,600Īpr 23 09:23:09 screenflowrecorder: Camera resize: 1280,720Īpr 23 09:23:13 screenflowrecorder: Camera resize: 960,720Īpr 23 09:23:16 screenflowrecorder: Camera resize: 720,480Īpr 23 09:23:20 screenflowrecorder: Camera resize: 640,480Īpr 23 09:23:23 screenflowrecorder: Cannot set camera resolution.Īpr 23 09:23:41 ScreenFlow: CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Eurostile" and got font with PostScript name "EurostileRegular". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API. Then following is then written in my /var/log/system.log:Īpr 23 09:19:56 screenflowrecorder: Camera resize: 800,600Īpr 23 09:19:58 screenflowrecorder: Camera resize: 1280,720Īpr 23 09:20:02 screenflowrecorder: Camera resize: 960,720Īpr 23 09:20:05 screenflowrecorder: Camera resize: 720,480Īpr 23 09:20:09 screenflowrecorder: Camera resize: 640,480Īpr 23 09:20:12 screenflowrecorder: Cannot set camera resolution.Īpr 23 09:20:29 ScreenFlow: CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Eurostile" and got font with PostScript name "EurostileRegular".
Ipevo point 2 view usb camera driver for mac software#
The nice people in IPEVO and Telestream have been in touch and suggested some tests – rebooting, changing USB ports, making sure no other software application is using the camera.

Making a Screenflow recording with 1) the screen of my computer, 2) the video feed from the IPEVO camera does not work, and 3) the audio recorded from my computer. I’ve used it for almost 3 years – I’ve used it for my dissertation, for commercial usability testing, and most recently for my current project with the UK Passport Office. I use Screenflow and my IPEVO camera as a mobile guerrilla usability testing lab which I can carry around in my backpack. Hopefully you can help me sort this problem out. This post is to give the people from Telestream and IPEVO some extra information about the problem I have using our excellent IPEVO P2V camera with Telestream’s fantastic Screenflow software.